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Home > Most Frequently Asked Questions > Installing Owler's Chrome Extension
Installing Owler's Chrome Extension
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It is incredibly easy to get Owler's new chrome extension installed to your browser! 

Here is a brief step by step video guide

To get started you will want to navigate to the Google Chrome webstore here 

Once there, you want to click Add to Chrome and then add extension. 

Once the extension is added, we recommend you navigate to the top right of your browser window and click the puzzle piece to pin Owler Max to your browser bar. This makes it easier to access in the future. 

Once installed Owler Max will be available on the right of your screen as you navigate corporate websites, LinkedIn profiles, and on-top of Salesforce and Hubspot when on Account, Lead, and Opportunity pages. 

Please feel free to log a ticket if you need any additional assistance 

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